Kevin Kadow - Sun Experience

Along with many other Unix operating systems, I have experience with Sun software and hardware including installing and maintaining SunOS, Solaris, and BSD on Sparc systems with anywhere from one to ten processors.

Experience with software and hardware installation on UltraSparc systems, primaryily for deployment as firewalls, file servers, and other mission-critical applications.


I have extensive experience in specifying, installing, upgrading and restoring Sun hardware, operating systems, and software, including system administration, security, software porting, and installation of commercial and free packages.

I have used and upgraded many versions of Sun operating systems on Sparc and Intel, from ancient SunOS installations (primarily 4.1.3) through Solaris 10.

I'm comfortable with installing commercial, GNU and custom software on all Solaris systems, I have extensive experience installing SSH, IP-Filter, and other custom software to enhance the security and usability of Solaris systems, and monitoring software to track system resources and availability.

I have a number of personal Sparc systems, from an IPC running OpenBSD as a caching name server, to various Sunfire and UltraSparc systems. I use for firewalls and software development.

Kevin Kadow - Resume